Welcome! This is Kingdom Life NOW!
KINGDOM STRATEGISTS that engage in intercessory ministry… training in practical routes to the Supernatural Culture of Heaven.
We have now established intercessory prayer sessions and strategies of the Courts of Heaven. We do one on one coaching and mentoring for those who want to strengthen their everyday personal relationship with God utilizing the disciplines of the Spirit. KCI walks through this process with individuals by giving practical steps to experiencing a supernatural life…kingdom life. We will soon be training and re-establishing our prophetic evangelism, supernatural healing and Kingdom governance branch of the ministry. It is our goal to continue this journey and go deeper in the operations of God!
We live Kingdom. We are Kingdom Culture.
Our mandate is to …legislate, direct, order, navigate in the spirit realm and to be a apparatus to transport the plan of God from heaven and bring kingdom order on earth. We are not looking to make another Christian club or society but rather a people who demonstrate the culture of heaven…a Kingdom Culture people… +Anita Logan, KCI Founder
Check out our Book Overview…
“The Anatomy of the Courts: An Introduction to the Government of Heaven” is a hybrid of a book and a textbook that accompanies our classes and workshops. Yet, this book can also be read by anyone who is hungry and desperate for more of God. It captures portions of what we have learned on our journey and some of the major resources that helped us bridge the foundational truths of His Kingdom. This book will bring you into God’s Government while giving you practical tools to operate in His Kingdom.
God is connecting the dots to things that have been read in the scriptures for years but were hidden for this very time. This is the season in the earth that God has chosen to unlock the mysteries and the functions of Heaven. We are now able to share and impart to others some of what God has shown us on this amazing journey thus far. Each level of our journey has opened our eyes and expanded our spirits. We continue to receive revelation about who God really is along with the supernatural technologies that He has made available to us.
Hear from our KCI U Students…
…our people are destroyed due to the lack of knowledge with instruction. We not only supply knowledge but we also apply wisdom…
“Excellent. Very powerful. revolutionized my whole concept praying. It revolutionized my whole concept of praying. It opened my heart and and mind to approach prayer in a different way”.
“This was a good spiritual experience and I learned new things…like how to pray differently…I have authority through God’s word.”
“The court of heaven is real. This changes my whole perspective. Before we grew up doing what we do as kids.”
“(WAR ROOM) helped me understand why prayer needs to be specific and detailed, and why some things are the way they are when I pray. I will use what I’ve learned today and apply it (to my life).”
“I’m going to apply a lot of things as far as addressing my prayers getting answered, like generational curses, to see if I’ve given a legal right for the enemy to hinder my prayers getting answered. Now, I ...
KCI Donations
We are building an online school, adding more online classes, training our ministry partners, and covering expenses to facilitate all of these additions to KCI. We would love for you to take part in helping us make this happen! We have several